HFOOAD Chapter 1

Hello and welcome to a new post of my blog. But first of all I have to let you know that these are my attempts to introduce you a very cool and wicked knowledge that a mess Computer Science student learn and try to explain.

Great Software Begins Here

This is the first chapter of one of the coolest books that I have ever seen! let’s star It’s time to Rock!!!!

The first principle is that make a good software Its follow design patterns and principles. Do a great code and follow the principles. Your mother really want you to know about it!

Image From: Recom Farmhouse, CGI and Creative Retouching

So, to start placing your mom I will tell you what do great software means

The gurus of programmer says that you have to keep your code open for an extension and close for modifications this way you don’t have to rewrite your code over and over again.

Check it out:

Great Software must satisfy the customer. The software must do what the customer wants it to do.

D., B., 2006. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Make a code that works its awesome! but is not enough. Your software have to be able to be updated or reused in another application. well design code is well-designed, well coded, and easy to mantain reuse and extend. 

Make your code as smart as you are

Here are the three basic steps to maintain your code smart:

1. Make sure your software does what the customer 
wants it to do.

We are not fools. Make sure that the application does what it’s supposed to do.

2. Apply O.O. basic principles to add flexibility.

Look for any duplicated code or bad practice and apply good object oriented techniques. Repair your spits!

3. Strive for a maintainable, reusable design.

Congratulations! your app does what it supposed to do and you had applied god object oriented techniques. Now don’t trow away your work and make sure your software will be use for years.

Why all of this principles are not a paper garbage?

  • Customers are satisfied when their apps work
  • customers are satisfied when their apps keep working
  • Customers are satisfied when their apps are not a piece of trash and can be upgraded
  • Programmers are really really satisfied when their app can be reused
  • Programmers are very satisfied when their apps are flexible

We are ready to make a Great Software!!

Make a great software is not about make pages of text or dumb diagrams. It’s about create killer applications that makes your mom happy and maybe proud of you. Is the feeling like you’ve kicked major ass..

Credits to the Outstanding Image

Wedge & Lever

Design Studio


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